Using the CosmosDB Connection Manager

The CosmosDB Connection Manager is an SSIS connection manager component that can be used to establish connections with CosmosDB.

To add a CosmosDB connection to your SSIS package, right-click the Connection Manager area in your Visual Studio project, and choose "New Connection..." from the context menu. You will be prompted the "Add SSIS Connection Manager" window. Select the "CosmosDB" item to add the new CosmosDB connection manager.

New Connection

Add CosmosDB Connection

The CosmosDB Connection Manager contains the following two pages to connect to your CosmosDB server.

  • Authentication
  • Advanced

Authentication Page

The Authentication page of the CosmosDB Connection Manager allows you to specify the server addresses and credentials for authentication.

CosmosDB Connection Manager - General Page

Service Endpoint

This option allows you to specify the endpoint to which you are connecting to.

Auth Key

The Authorization Key that would be used to access the CosmosDB instance.

Test Connection

After all the connection information has been provided, you may click the "Test Connection" button to test if you can connect successfully.

Proxy Page

This page allows you to specify a proxy server when needed.

CosmosDB Connection Manager - Proxy Page

Advanced Page

This page contains all possible settings for a CosmosDB connection. Clicking on a specific setting will display a description for the selected property at the bottom of The Advanced page.

CosmosDB Connection Manager - Advanced Page