Writing Formulas to Excel Files in ETL Process

26 July 2023
KingswaySoft Team

KingswaySoft’s Premium Excel Destination component not only allows you to write values to an Excel file but also supports formulas. By using formulas in your Excel file, it can open up your data flows to many more possibilities. In this blog post, we will demonstrate one example of using formulas to create hyperlinks in an Excel file.

Setting Up an OAuth Connection to Business Central Online

26 June 2023
KingswaySoft Team

OAuth offers clear advantages over basic authentication, establishing it as the superior choice for data integration projects that involve processing or consuming your Dynamics 365 Business Central data. In this blog post, we will explore the secure and flexible nature of OAuth, its advantages over basic authentication, and its role in data integration projects. By following the steps outlined in this concise guideline, you will be able to create a connection manager using OAuth authentication for integration with Dynamics 365 Business Central online.

Bypass Power Automate Flows in Dynamics 365 Data Load Process

30 May 2023
KingswaySoft Team

When loading data into Dynamics 365 using any API-based tools, any of your Power Automate flows you have defined will be triggered as the load occurs. This can result in unnecessary overhead for the data load. In this blog post, we will show you how to bypass Power Automate flows during data loading by leveraging the new features introduced in our latest v23.1 release.


Periodically Clean Up File Folders Using SSIS Productivity Pack

29 May 2023
KingswaySoft Team

Applications and processes often rely on external resources, which can be expensive to retrieve or obtain. Therefore, modern applications often employ cache strategies to save these external resources in the local file system and achieve improved performance. In some other cases, you might have an application that keeps creating random temporary files to facilitate certain system requirements which cannot be achieved otherwise. However, as every coin has two sides, these caches or temporary files, in the long run, can build up in the system and occupy large disk space, which could have adverse effects and result in volume deficiency in the system. Implementing a scheduled cleanup of the cache folder by removing those files that are older than a certain age can become necessary in your ETL process.

Secure Your Integration Connection Using SharePoint Custom App Authentication

21 April 2023
KingswaySoft Team

SharePoint Custom App (or Add-in app) option is a popular OAuth authentication method to connect to the SharePoint API. In our recent version, we have added support for Custom App in KingswaySoft SharePoint connection manager. In this blog post, we will go over its prerequisites, and how to configure it within our connection manager.


Using Premium File Watcher Task to Monitor File Changes in an ETL Process

30 March 2023
KingswaySoft Team

In the general integration practice, it is a very common use case to monitor a folder path for any file changes, and as soon as a file with certain criteria lands in the folder or gets modified, a process should kick off or otherwise, an email notification should be sent via email. With the new Premium File Watcher Task added to our SSIS Productivity Pack in our most recent v23.1 release, this can be easily achievable in an automated fashion. In this blog post, we will demonstrate the design and configurations required to watch a file path on a continuous basis and send an email notification when a specific change happens in it.

Working with Embedded XML Content in an ETL Process

23 February 2023
KingswaySoft Team

In some unique cases, we may receive an XML document that needs to be processed in the ETL process, which might contain general XML content but includes some embedded XML content made of escaped characters. The integration requires the embedded XML content to be fully parsed and processed. In this blog post, we will show you how to properly handle and transform mixed XML content with escaped characters to ensure the successful parsing of API responses and files.

Handle HubSpot Enumeration Field Options with KingswaySoft

25 January 2023
KingswaySoft Team

Enumeration fields or optionsets need to be handled well in a migration scenario. And it is easy to not have an option in a target system, which was a legacy option in your Source data set. One such example would be currency options. Currency abbreviations can easily be missed, incomplete, or need to be changed to better reflect the destination system. In this business case, we are working with an old database system and have now been tasked to create the contact information in HubSpot.

