Using the Decomposition Component

The Decomposition Component is a data flow transformation component that can be used to split the input values into multiple rows, and along with that, duplicate the other columns' values as well.

Decomposition Component Editor

General Settings
Input Column

This is the input column that would be split and distributed.

Source Type

There are three options to choose the Source type from:

  • Delimited Text - If the input is in delimited text format.
  • JSON Array - If the input is a JSON array.
  • XML Elements - If the input is in XML format.
Empty Entry Handling

There are three options to choose from on how to handle empty entries:

  • Output NULL Value
  • Output Default Values
  • Skip Empty Entries
Default Value (Only when Output Default Value is chosen as the Empty Entry Handling type)

The default value can be specified here for empty entries.

Trim Entries

This option can be enabled if you wish to trim the entries.

Delimited Text Settings (Only for Source Type as Delimited Text)

You can choose the delimiter from the drop-down list:

  • Newline (\n)
  • Carriage Return (\r)
  • Semicolon ( ; )
  • Colon ( : )
  • Comma ( , )
  • Tab (\t)
  • Vertical Bar (|)
Text Qualifier

You can choose the text qualifier from the below options:

  • Double quote ( “ )
  • Single quote ( ‘ )
  • Tick ( ` )
  • None ( )
Output Column Settings

Specify the name of the output merged column.

Data Type

Choose the datatype of the output column.


Specify the length of the field.


Specify the number of digits in a number.


Choose the scale for the field.

Code Page

Code page value can be chosen here.

Reset Output Column Settings

This option can be used to reset the output column settings to default values.

Expression fx Icon

Click the blue fx icon to launch SSIS Expression Editor to enable dynamic updates of the property at run time.

Generate Documentation Icon
Click the Generate Documentation icon to generate a Word document that describes the component's metadata including relevant mapping, and so on.