Version 24.1 - June 12, 2024

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components:

  • Update: We have introduced a newly designed exception message window for better usability.
  • Enhancement: Some additional DPI display optimizations to various forms.
  • Salesforce
    • Update: We updated the API support to the latest version 60.0.
    • Fixed: Salesforce destination component may report error "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime" when writing empty string to a DT_DBDATE field and the option "Send empty strings as Null values" is enabled while working with SOAP connection.

Version 23.2 - September 6, 2023

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components:

  • General
    • Enhancement: We have some updates to the License Manager program UI to make it more responsive to changes made to the license installation in the background.
    • Update: We have removed SSIS 2008 (Including SQL Server 2008 R2) support.
  • Salesforce
    • New: We added support for subqueries in Salesforce Source component when the Object Query source type is used. 
    • New: We added support for creating SSIS variables on-the-fly while in the Salesforce Command Task. 
    • New: We have added a new "Prevent Cross-site request forgery(CSRF) exploits" option in the authorization process. The option is turned on by default, which can be turned off if necessary.
    • Update: We updated the API support to the latest version 58.0.
    • Fixed: When Salesforce connection manager is configured to use an OAuth token file, and if the token file has been idled for a long time therefore having the refresh token expired, the connection manager is not able to properly connect even after a new token file has been manually generated until Visual Studio is closed and re-opened. 
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • Fixed: The DataSourceClassName field in FilterDefinition object should have its metadata as a string instead of an int.
    • Fixed: A correction is made to the SendWindowCloses field in EmailSendDefinition object, which is now "SendWindowClose".
    • Fixed: The Marketing Cloud source or destination component might freeze or crash when an invalid connection manager is selected.
  • Salesforce Wave/Einstein Analytics
    • Update: We updated the API support to the latest version 58.0.

Version 23.1 - March 17, 2023

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components - Note that this will be our last version that supports SSIS 2008 (SQL Server 2008).

  • General
    • Update: The auto-update form now displays a warning message about required maintenance for software upgrade.
    • Update: We have removed the dependency on Microsoft.NetEnterpriseServers.ExceptionMessageBox.dll assembly.
    • Fixed: KingswaySoft License Manager might report an incorrect grace period when the license is running under the grace terms.
  • Salesforce
    • Update: We updated the API support to version 57.0.
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • Fixed: Salesforce Marketing Cloud destination component may not write null values properly when performing Upsert action.
  • Salesforce Wave/Einstein Analytics
    • Fixed: The job created by Salesforce Wave destination component may fail with "empty dataset [error category: USER]" error when working with datetime fields with format string specified when the component was created by version v21.2 or earlier but upgraded to v22.1.

Version 22.1 - October 19, 2022

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components.

  • General
    • New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
    • Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
    • Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
  • Salesforce
    • New: We added support for working with a token file stored in Azure Blob Storage by specifying an Azure SAS URL as the token file path in Salesforce Connection Manager.
    • Update: We updated the API support to version 55.0.
    • Update: "Owner Change Options" is now disabled in Salesforce Destination component when Use Bulk API is enabled while working with SOAP connection.
    • Enhancement: Better string length detection for picklist type fields.
    • Fixed: You may run into "Cannot cast Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject to Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken" error in Salesforce Source component when reading from Attachment object through the REST API
  • Salesforce Wave/Einstein Analytics
    • New: We added DateOnly and DateTime data type support in Salesforce Wave Destination, these data types can be used to work with time zone enabled instances.

Version 21.2 - November 11, 2021

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components.

  • General
    • New: We added a new action button in the KingswaySoft License Manager which makes it easy to request a free trial.
    • New: We added limited password attempts feature to Connection Managers that use OAuth token file. When the limit is reached, access_token and refresh_token values will be deleted from the token file, this is to protect the file from unauthorized use.
  • Salesforce
    • New: We added a new Salesforce Command Task which can be used to execute Salesforce APEX code.
    • New: We added support for working with JunctionIdList fields in Salesforce source and destination components.
    • New: We added an "Opt out all" checkbox which can be used to clear out the lookup settings for all objects in the Text Lookup configuration window.
    • New: Salesforce destination component now supports HardDelete action when working with the REST service endpoint.
    • New: Salesforce connection manager now supports the "Allow Save on Duplicates" option when working with the REST service endpoint.
    • New: Salesforce connection manager now supports the "OwnerChangeOptions" header when working with the SOAP service endpoint.
    • Update: We updated the API support to version 53.0.
    • Fixed: You may run into an exception when working with a connection that uses an OAuth certificate.
    • Fixed: When using an object query that contains a parent alias as the source query, the Salesforce source component may not return any values for those fields that use the parent alias when the alias is written in all lower case, even though there are values in the system.
    • Fixed: The Replace As option in the picklist mapping feature may not list all available options for the picklist field.
    • Fixed: You might run into errors when updating the VersionData field of ContentVersion object using the Salesforce destination component. This was a regression issue introduced in v21.1 release.
    • Fixed: You might run into errors complaining "Numeric arithmetic causes truncation" when reading from certain numeric fields.
    • Fixed: When working with a Salesforce destination component that has Bulk API enabled, you might receive an InvalidCast error when you add a new GUID column to upstream components.
    • Fixed: When working with a Salesforce destination component that has Bulk API enabled, some of the output columns may only return NULL values while there should be some actual values. This was a regression issue introduced in v21.1 release. 
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • Enhancement: Salesforce Marketing Cloud components now have some more accurate metadata for certain types of fields, such as decimal, double, which could potentially eliminate some errors when reading certain large numbers in the Marketing Cloud source component. 
    • Fixed: Salesforce Marketing Cloud connection manager now supports an optional AccountId option. 

Version 21.1 - May 28, 2021

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components.

  • General
    • New: We now ship a new console version of KingswaySoft License Manager program which is designed to work more reliably in a container environment.
    • New: KingswaySoft License Manager program now always uses a secure service endpoint for activation and deactivation requests.
  • Salesforce
    • New: The Text Lookup feature in the Salesforce Destination component now supports a secondary field.
    • New: We added a new BinaryContent_FileName field to file related objects in Salesforce Destination component when working with the REST service endpoint. When this field value is provided, the Salesforce Destination component will send the multipart message when working with blob data through the REST connection.
    • New: Picklist Value Mapping feature now supports creating new option value with a different label value.
    • Update: Picklist Value Mapping feature now works with picklist API names.
    • Fixed: Salesforce Source component may report "NOT_FOUND" error when reading Document object with "Include Deleted/Archived" option enabled through a REST connection.
    • Fixed: Salesforce Destination component may not write time value correctly when working with the REST connection.
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • Fixed: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source/Destination component may not list all the Data Extension objects when there are more than 2500 data extension objects in system.
    • Fixed: In some rare situations, Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source/Destination component may report "Token Expired" error when retrying on intermittent errors.
    • Fixed: When writing to a data extension object using a destination component, if the package is called by an Execute Package task repetitively with different connection properties specified each time, the subsequent run of the package might use the customer key from the first execution which would render errors.
  • Salesforce Wave
    • New: Salesforce Wave Destination component now supports specifying precision to Text type fields.

Version 20.2 - November 4, 2020

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components.

  • Salesforce
    • New: KingswaySoft License Manager now includes the ability to show and copy the LicenseId within the program which can be used for renewal purposes without having to reveal the full license key details, for instance, if a third-party reseller or agent is involved.
    • New: KingswaySoft License Manager program now offers a link in the UI to help renew license maintenance or subscription with one single click.
    • New: Salesforce Destination component now provides a Picklist Value Mapping feature which can be used to convert incoming values into valid Salesforce picklist option values along with the ability to create such options on-the-fly if no match is found in Salesforce.
    • New: Salesforce Source component now provides a discretionary update experience in which you can choose how refresh should be performed in case any column-level property changes made manually should be retained.
    • Update: We updated the API support to version 50.0.
    • Enhancement: SOQL query now supports convertCurrency() function.
    • Fixed: There may be duplicate columns in the Salesforce Source component when querying relationship fields in the SOQL query though a SOAP connection.
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • New: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source component now provides a discretionary update experience in which you can choose how refresh should be performed in case any column-level property changes made manually should be retained.
    • Fixed: "System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source" error in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source component when reading from SendAdditionalAttribute object.
    • Fixed: Input Timezone setting may not be respected when working with Data Extension objects in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Destination component.

Version 20.1 - June 15, 2020

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components.

  • [General] Update: We have adopted a new versioning strategy in this release. From this point on, all future releases will be versioned as YY.ReleaseWave.ServiceReleaseNumber.BuildNumber, where YY is the year in two digits. This helps simplify our communications with partners and clients in terms of a particular toolkit installation's maintenance status among many other benefits. This is implemented across the board for all of our SSIS toolkits including SSIS Productivity Pack. All our current releases should have the same version number of v20.1.0 with a revision number between 1561 and 1565.
  • [General] Update: We have introduced a new branding panel in our UI forms to distinguish our components from those out-of-box ones.
  • [General] Update: We updated .NET framework requirement to v4.6.1 for SSIS 2012 and above.
  • [General] Update: Our license manager program now requires .NET Framework 4.0 or above.
  • [General] Update: We have updated our software signing by using a new certificate vendor, which might trigger a SmartScreen alert within the first couple of months from the release date. Rest assured we have done our best to make sure that your downloads from our website are trustworthy.
  • [General] Enhancement: We have made some minor improvements in our retry implementation on intermittent errors.
  • Salesforce
    • New: We added support for Bulk API v2 support in Salesforce Source component.
    • Update: We updated the API support to version 48.0.
    • Enhancement: Improved writing when working with Salesforce Marketing Cloud destination component.
    • Enhancement: Salesforce Destination component now supports working with duplicate column names from upstream components as long as the columns are coming from different sources.
    • Fixed: You may get null values from Salesforce Source component when the SOQL query contains aggregation on a relationship field.
    • Fixed: Salesforce Connection Manager may not save custom Service URL properly.
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • Enhancement: Improved efficiency in working with significantly large number of records using the Salesforce Wave Destination component.
    • Enhancement: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Destination component now supports working with duplicate column names from upstream components as long as the columns are coming from different sources.
    • Fixed: Writing to extension objects, you may receive "The given key was not present in the dictionary" error in Salesforce Marketing Cloud Destination component when the input column's data type does not match the destination field.
    • Fixed: Salesforce Marketing Cloud Destination component may report "Input string was not in a correct format" error when writing to extension object and the extension object's primary key is Id.
  • Salesforce Wave
    • Enhancement: Salesforce Wave Destination component now supports working with duplicate column names from upstream components as long as the columns are coming from different sources.
    • Fixed: Salesforce Wave Destination component may not work properly when writing null datetime values.
    • Fixed: You may get OutOfMemoryException error in Salesforce Wave Destination when working with a very large number of records.

Version 11.0 - October 3, 2019

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components.

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
    • New: We added the following new components:
      • Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connection Manager
      • Salesforce Marketing Cloud Source
      • Salesforce Marketing Cloud Destination
  • Salesforce
    • New: We added support for REST API.
    • New: We added a new default output column option called "UpdatedRelatedIds" in Salesforce Destination component, which returns the ID of all related records for the Merge action when using SOAP service endpoint.
    • Update: We updated the API support to version 46.0.
    • Enhancement: There are some updates to the License Manager program that provide better tracking of license installation and easier license management by our client services team.
    • Enhancement: Improved Azure SSIS-IR licensing to avoid unexpected unsuccessful activations upon restart.
    • Fixed: When using a PK Chunking Header with the Salesforce source component through its Bulk API, the execution might only download partial of the export, not the entire extract.
    • Fixed: You may run into "The value string does not match the required number from the format string "yyyy". Value being parsed: '^00:00:00.000Z'." error in Salesforce Source component when working with Salesforce Time type field.
    • Fixed: Salesforce Source component may output incorrect datetime values when using output timezone "Adjust to Local System Timezone" with option "Use Timezone Aware Data Types" enabled.

Version 10.0 - February 21, 2019

The following are the updates and enhancements made for each group of components.

  • New: We have added support for SSIS 2019.
  • New: We added a UseTimezoneAwareDataTypes option to the Salesforce source component which can be used to output datetime values in a datetime offset format.
  • Enhancement: Various UI enhancements including the ability to select in a dropdown list using multi-letter typing such as the Source Object, Destination Object dropdown controls.
  • Enhancement: We no longer create an empty batch if there is no incoming rows in the SSIS pipeline when Bulk API is used in the Salesforce destination component.
  • Update: We increased the default length of picklist fields so the Salesforce source component does not fail when Salesforce returns text values which might be longer than it is claimed by Salesforce metadata.
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 45.0.
  • Fixed: When using Bulk API in the Salesforce destination component, it may happen that the output values in the Default Output might get mixed up between columns, which could render some strange buffer related errors.
  • Fixed: When using Bulk API in the Salesforce destination component, the Skipped Rows output may not include any columns from upstream components.
  • Deprecation: We have removed support for SSIS 2005.

Version 9.1 - August 17, 2018

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for toLabel() SOQL function.
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 43.0.
  • Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to now report details of distinct connections in use.
  • Fixed: Our software may report a connection metering related error during runtime for some specific system environments.
  • Fixed: You may get validation error "Field 'type' was not found for object 'who'" in Salesforce Source component when your SOQL query contains a 'who.type' field, this happens similarly to 'what.type'.

Version 9.0 - April 26, 2018

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added a new Undelete action in Salesforce Destination component, which can be used to undelete records from the Recycle Bin.
  • New: We added support for Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) deployment and licensing.
  • New: Standard use licensing model, this limits the number of distinct connections to 8 per connection type within a 24 hour period at runtime.
  • Update: We have an updated version of License Agreement that covers the new Azure-SSIS IR licensing model along with many other revisions - the new agreement becomes effective as of today (April 26, 2018).
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 42.0.
  • Fixed: Salesforce Destination component may fail with "The value is too large to fit in the column data area of the buffer" error when error message is too long when "Redirect rows to error output" option is selected as the error handling mechanism.
  • Fixed: You may run into error "Value cannot be null.Parameter name: destinationTimeZone" when using "Timezone of Connection user" output timezone in Salesforce Source component and the connection user is set to (GMT+14:00) Line Is. Time (Pacific/Kiritimati) timezone.
  • Fixed: Salesforce date type field was adjusted to output timezone setting.

Version 8.2 - December 14, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • Update: We updated the API support to version 41.0.
  • Update: Update of licensing component to better support servers within a clustered environment to minimize potential false licensing errors.

Version 8.1 - October 6, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for using SSIS variables as the Text Lookup default values.
  • New: The Upsert action in Salesforce destination component now supports using more fields as the external ID fields.
  • New: The Merge action in Salesforce destination component now allows to provide an input value for all writable fields of the working object. This may be considered as a breaking change, as the package saved in the new version will not work on older versions when Merge action is used.
  • New: We added a SendEmptyStringsAsNullValues option to the Salesforce destination component, so there is an option to process empty string values differently than always sending as NULL values which is the default behavior of the component.
  • New: We added a new documentation generation button to all SSIS components that can be used to generate a Word document which describes the component's metadata including relevant mapping, and so on.
  • Enhancement: The ObjectQuery option in Salesforce source component now supports fields that contain more than 3 tokens.
  • Update: There is an update to the licensing component.

Version 8.0 - July 7, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for SQL Server 2017.
  • New: We added a new HardDelete action in Salesforce destination component, which can be used to permanently delete records from Salesforce when Bulk API enabled.
  • New: We added a "Use Default Assignment Rule" option in Salesforce connection manager, which allows to use default (active) assignment rule for a Case/Lead or apply all territory assignment rules to Account.
  • New: We added support of retrieving Deleted/Archived records when Bulk API is enabled in Salesforce source component.
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 40.0.
  • Fixed: Uploading attachments may not work properly when using Bulk API option in Salesforce destination component.
  • Enhancement: Improved high-DPI support.
  • Enhancement: Some minor GUI improvements.
  • Enhancement: We added command line support for License Manager program.
  • Update: We no longer deploy Newtonsoft.Json.dll assembly to Windows GAC.
  • Fixed: If you have an Ultimate trial license, it may still report as not licensed.

Version 7.0 RTM - March 21, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements.

  • New: We added a new Merge action for Salesforce destination component, which allows you to merge two Salesforce Account, Contact, Lead and Person Account records.
  • New: We added a Wave Destination component which allows to write to Salesforce Wave Analytics (Einstein Analytics).
  • New: We added a new Salesforce connection manager under the name Salesforce (KingswaySoft) to avoid any potential conflicts with other third-party SSIS connections.
  • New: We enabled support SSIS 2008 R2 or earlier for the organization that has TLS1.0 protocol disabled.
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 39.0.
  • Update: We have an updated license agreement.
  • Enhancement: Some UI enhancements so that field mapping in Salesforce source and destination component is not lost when switching the connection manager and action type through UI.
  • Fixed: The Lead Assignment Rule Header may not be applied correctly when you have multiple Salesforce destination components in one data flow task.
  • Fixed: Salesforce destination component may not close the batch job properly when there are batch lock failures.

Version 6.0 - January 27, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements.

  • New: We added support for "Skipped Rows" output in the Salesforce destination component. This is a breaking change, as a prior version (v5.4 or earlier) would not be able to process an SSIS package that contains a Salesforce destination component with the "Skipped Rows" output enabled.
  • New: We added a PK Chunking Header option in Salesforce source component, which can be used to extract large data sets from Salesforce when Bulk API enabled.
  • New: Salesforce destination component now provides the processed results when Bulk API option is enabled. This is in certain way a breaking change, and we automatically upgrade from a previous version of SSIS metadata when the component is opened (upgrade is only performed when it is acknowledged), which may not be compatible with prior versions.
  • New: We added a ProxyMode option to Salesforce connection manager, which now supports three types of proxy mode: No Proxy, Auto-detect and Manual.
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 38.0 (Winter 2017 Release).
  • Enhancement: Improved error handling in Salesforce destination component when 'Redirect rows to error output' error handling option is used.
  • Fixed: The "BatchSize" property in Salesforce source component cannot be parameterized.
  • Fixed: You may get error "Index was outside the bounds of the array" when passing a null value to the id field for Delete action.
  • Fixed: The error output may contain duplicate records if there are multiple error rows in one batch.

Version 5.4 - October 24, 2016

This release comes with the following important bug fixes:

  • New: We added a new option to Text Lookup feature which allows to skip the record if lookup fails.
  • Update: The license manager now supports co-termed subscription license.
  • Update: We have lowered the minimum requirement of SQL Server editions when using our software.

Version 5.3 - September 15, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements.

  • Fixed: You may run into "Specified cast is not valid" when reading from BusinessHours object in a Salesforce source component.
  • Fixed: Salesforce Source Editor does not allow saving when Bulk API option is chosen.

Version 5.2 - August 10, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements.

  • Update: We updated the compatibility with TLS 1.1 or higher.
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 37.0.
  • Enhancement: Text Lookup accepts null as Optional default value
  • Fixed: You may run into "The provided object query contains unexpected error(s)" when you specified both ORDER BY and LIMIT statements in the SOQL query. (Thanks to Jonathan for reporting this)
  • Fixed: The datetime value used in SOQL query are now sent using the same timezone setting specified by the "Output Timezone" option in the Salesforce source component.

Version 5.1 - May 5, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements.

  • New: Our software has passed Salesforce security review, and we are now officially listed on AppExchange. We invite you to write a review of our solution.
  • New: After passing the Salesforce security review, we have been issued a SOAP API token specific to us, which is now what we use to make service calls to Salesforce. This should lower the minimum requirement of Salesforce editions for integration purpose. The API token is stored in Windows registry and the registry entry is automatically created during the installation.
  • New: We added a new option to the Salesforce connection manager called "InstanceType" which can be used to prevent the hard-coded sandbox service URL that can cause invalid XML errors.
  • New: We added column/field filtering capabilities in Salesforce source component editor window.
  • New: We added a new option in Salesforce destination component, called 'Write batch files with UTF-8 encoding' (Thanks to Lasse for suggesting this feature).
  • New: We added a new option in Salesforce destination component, called 'Remove Invalid Characters'.
  • New: We added a new option in Salesforce destination component, called 'Ignore Null-Valued Fields'.
  • Enhancement: Updated support for the latest SQL Server 2016 release candidate builds.
  • Enhancement: Running the 32-bit installation package on a 64-bit operating system is now blocked, as doing so makes our connection manager unrecognizable in 64-bit runtime.
  • Enhancement: We removed the requirement of .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 for SSIS 2012 and later.
  • Enhancement: We raised the default connection limit to 100 per host, this eliminates the need of using .config file to overwrite the default .NET framework limit of 2 connections per host.
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 36.0.
  • Update: For SSIS 2012 or later, .NET Framework 4.5 is now required. This is to make sure that our software is ready for the upcoming TLS protocol changes.

Version 5.0 - January 22, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for SQL Server 2016 (Visual Studio 2015 SSDT for design time).
  • New: We added support for two new options in Salesforce connection manager, called AllowFieldTruncation, and AllowSaveOnDuplicates.
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 35.0.
  • Update: This release makes the software ready for the upcoming implementation of disabling TLS 1.0 at Salesforce side. With this change, we are officially retiring support of SQL Server 2008 R2 or earlier, since the .NET framework used by SQL Server 2008 R2 or earlier is not be able to support TLS 1.1 or 1.2. You will receive a warning message when you open Salesforce connection manager in a SQL Server 2008 R2 (or earlier) Visual Studio environment.
  • Enhancement: Some UI enhancements including a more detailed reporting when 'Refresh Salesforce Metadata' button is clicked.
  • Enhancement: Some code refactoring for better performance and improved error handling.
  • Fixed: When using Bulk API option in the Salesforce destination component, the number of record in the batch might be something random for the entire batch job.
  • Fixed: When using the Bulk API option in the Salesforce Destination Component, if text lookup fails, the component will fail even the error handling option has been set to "Redirect rows to error output" (Thanks to Sai for reporting this)

Version 4.6 - September 15, 2015

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • Fixed: When reading and writing to datetime fields using the Bulk API option, the datetime format specified by the Source and Destination Components was not respected (Thanks to Ergest for reporting this)
  • Fixed: When Bulk API option is used in Salesforce Source Component, if the object query does not have all output columns sorted in an alphabetic order, the component might fail after receiving data from Salesforce.
  • Fixed: When input column in Destination Component is of data type 'ntext' with the Bulk API option selected, component writes some strange characters to Salesforce. (Thanks to Fidel for reporting this issue).
  • Enhancement: The license manager program now works in the system that has FIPS compliance policy enabled.
  • Enhancement: Some minor UI adjustments including positioning UI windows in the center of parent screens upon initialization.

Version 4.5 - June 9, 2015

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for SSIS Integration Toolkit - Ultimate Edition, you can now license all our SSIS Integration Toolkit products using one single license key.
  • Enhancement: When "Assignment Rule" option is specified in Salesforce connection manager, user emails will be triggered should assignment happen.
  • Fixed: When there are two or more target options in the Text Lookup Settings editor, if you opt out of any other object but the first, you will receive the following error message "A minimum of one lookup object should be configured."
  • Fixed: Salesforce connection manager used to save connection information when Test Connection button is clicked regardless of whether the changes are accepted by clicking the “OK” button.
  • Update: When no proxy information is entered, IE default proxy is now used.

Version 4.4 - March 26, 2015

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added an "Assignment Rule" option in Salesforce connection manager, which allows to specify the assignment rule to be fired when lead or case is created using Salesforce destination component.
  • New: We added an "Opt Out" option to Text Lookup feature, so that you can now exclude any particular objects from being used for text lookup purpose.
  • Enhancement: Our retry implementation now includes "INVALID_QUERY_LOCATOR" error that you might receive from Salesforce server.
  • Fixed: Salesforce connection manager was not saving proxy port number properly in v4.3.
  • Fixed: Having a multi-select picklist field will cause the Refresh Salesforce Metadata fail in v4.3 due to the recent Salesforce web service interface changes in its v33.0 API release.

Version 4.3 - February 26, 2015

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added an "Output Timezone" option in Salesforce source component, which can be used to specify the timezone of datetime fields' output.
  • New: We added support of integer fields for the Text Lookup feature.
  • New: We added a Default Value option to Text Lookup feature, so it can default to the value specified if lookup has failed.
  • Update: Salesforce connection manager can now handle special characters in its connection string.
  • Update: We have further relaxed the limitations of changing Salesforce source component's field metadata.
  • Update: We updated the API support to version 33.0.

Version 4.2 - December 12, 2014

This release includes the following updates:

  • New: Salesforce source component now supports using Bulk API.
  • New: Salesforce destination component's output columns (SalesforceRecordId, IsNew) in its Default Output can now be disabled or enabled from UI.
  • New: We added field filtering capabilities in CRM destination component, which include Hide Mapped Fields, Hide Unmapped Fields buttons, and a textbox that accepts a search string.
  • New: We added a Partial Cache mode to Text Lookup feature.
  • New: We added a new column in Salesforce destination component's editor window which can be clicked to map/unmap the field.
  • Update: We disabled the use of SSL v3 due to its associated security risks.
  • Update: We updated the API version to 32.0.
  • Enhancement: We added the support of USING Scope clause in object query in Salesforce source component.
  • Enhancement: Salesforce source component now supports using SSIS variables in its object query in whichever way you would like to, including using a SSIS variable as the entire query.

Version 4.1 - Oct 9, 2014

This release includes the following updates:

  • New: We added a new "Retry on Intermittent Errors" option in Salesforce connection manager.
  • New: We added a "Send datetime values in UTC format" option to Salesforce destination component.
  • New: Salesforce source component now automatically creates a query statement when switching source type from Object to ObjectQuery, if a Salesforce object was previously selected.
  • Enhancement: Enhanced datetime literal support in object query for Salesforce source component.
  • Enhancement: We added support for multi-level child-parent relationship in object query for Salesforce source component. (Thanks to Justin and Carlo)
  • Enhancement: We added support of NEXT_N_WEEKS:n, LAST_N_WEEKS:n, NEXT_N_MONTHS:n, LAST_N_MONTHS:n in SOQL where clause (thanks to David for reporting this issue).
  • Enhancement: Security Token is now optional in Salesforce connection manager (thanks to John for raising this feature request).
  • Enhancement: We added the capability to remove the extra columns (SalesforceRecordId, IsNew) from Salesforce destination component's default output.
  • Enhancement: We added support for a tiered enterprise license.
  • Update: The software's license agreement has been updated.
  • Fixed: For a Salesforce destination component using Delete action, when text lookup fails, the entire data flow task fails even the component's error handling option has been set to Redirect rows to error output (thanks to David for reporting this issue).
  • Fixed: When reading from LoginHistory object, you might run into an error saying "LoginType] Failed to convert "Other Apex API" to DT_WSTR: The value is too large to fit in the column data area of the buffer."
  • Fixed: When using SSIS 2012 or 2014 project level connection manager, you get an error saying "'Salt' attribute for Password is missing in the project manifest" when the password is stored using EncryptSensitiveWithPassword option (a recent SQL Server cumulative update or service pack is required to work with this fix).

Version 4.0 SR-1 - July 23, 2014

This is a service release which contains the following updates and bug fixes:

  • Fixed: Under some unique circumstances, you may run into an intermittent error saying "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." (Thanks to Jonathan for reporting this issue).
  • Fixed: Retry did not work when bulk API is used in Salesforce destination component.
  • Fixed: Under some unique circumstances, you may run into an error saying "INVALID_SESSION_ID: Invalid Session ID found in SessionHeader: Illegal Session. Session not found, missing session key: xxxx", where xxxx represents the session key from Salesforce (Thanks to Rick for reporting this issue).
  • Fixed: The default output may contain those records that have failed.
  • Enhancement: Salesforce connection manager now supports empty Security Token option (Thanks to John).
  • Enhancement: Improved login session management.
  • Enhancement: Improved stack trace print.

Version 4.0 - June 10, 2014

This release includes the following updates:

  • New: SQL Server 2014 is now supported
  • New: We added a new output for Salesforce destination component (Salesforce Destination Default Output), which contains two columns - SalesforceRecordId to provide the ID of newly created Salesforce records and IsNew to indicate whether it is a new record or an existing record when Upsert action is used
  • New: We added Text Lookup support of Id column for Update and Delete action
  • New: We added support of "Ignore Case" option for Text Lookup feature
  • New: We added support of "Report Error on Duplicates" option for Text Lookup feature
  • Update: We updated the API version to 30.0 which supports Address, Geolocation compound fields among many other enhancements
  • Enhancement: SOQL query now supports function calls in ORDER BY clause
  • Enhancement: Text Lookup feature now supports multiple lookup entities
  • Breaking Change: We changed the implementation of error output, so it now only contains those rows that erred out.
  • Breaking Change: The Id column in the destination component's Error Output is removed (it has moved to another output as indicated above)
  • Several other enhancements

Version 3.2 - January 3, 2014

This release includes the following updates:

  • New: We added a "Clear All Mappings" button to Salesforce destination component, which you can use to reset all your mappings in the destination component
  • New: We added a new configuration option called ConcurrencyMode to Salesforce destination component when bulk API is used (Thanks to Simon for suggesting this feature)
  • Fixed: Salesforce Source component, or Destination component editor has a misaligned layout when your Windows system uses a non-default DPI setting
  • New: We added an auto-updater feature to the toolkit so it now checks for updates when the software is used in an IDE (Visual Studio, BIDS, SSDT). The auto-updater feature is also added to KingswaySoft License Manager program
  • Enhancement: In Salesforce source component, we removed the feature which automatically updates your source component metadata while you type in Object Query textbox
  • Enhancement: Our retry implementation is now covering the scenario when a ReceiveFailure exception is encountered
  • Update: We have relaxed the technical restriction on how many system transfers can happen to a license key, we removed the restriction on the total number of system transfer
  • Update: We have made corresponding updates to our license agreement in order to reflect the above license restriction change

Version 3.1 SR-1 - September 24, 2013

This release includes the following updates:

  • Enhancement: Enhanced retry implementation, and it now retries for both source and destination components should there be an intermittent networking problem
  • Fixed: You might run into the following error: "System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range" (Thanks to Chris for reporting this issue)
  • Change: We have changed the release format from .msi files to .zip files

Version 3.1 - August 8, 2013

This release includes the following updates:

  • New: We added a Request Limits in Salesforce connection manager, so that you can control how many API requests can be made to from the toolkit within a 24-hour period
  • New: We added support of HTTP compression
  • New: We added a configurable option called Enable Stack Trace, once enabled, it will report any exception encountered with stack trace included
  • Change: When Salesforce API Limits are reached in Salesforce Source component, it will not throw an exception which would fail the entire component, instead it will report a warning message
  • Update: We updated the API version from previous 26.0 to the latest 28.0
  • Enhancement: Some performance improvements

Version 3.0 - June 12, 2013

This release includes the following updates:

  • New: We added support for Salesforce Bulk API in Salesforce destination component
  • New: We added support for Enterprise License, which allows unlimited installations within an organization
  • New: We added a Text Lookup feature to Salesforce destination component which allows to perform lookup based on text value provided.
  • New: We added a "Map Unmapped Fields" button to Salesforce destination component's editor window, which allows to map all unmapped fields to upstream columns if a match can be found based on the field's name.
  • Enhancement: Salesforce Connection Manager now accepts Password, ProxyPassword and SecurityToken parameters in its connection string directly.

Version 2.0 SR2 - December 20, 2012

This release includes the following update and bug fix:

  • Update: We implemented a retry mechanism with Salesforce source component when it encounters a web exception. The retry implementation helps with the scenarios when there is an intermittent networking problem or a micro service interruption.
  • Fixed: When there is an intermittent networking problem or a micro service interruption, Salesforce destination component completely fails even though "Redirect rows to error output" has been selected as the error handling option.

Version 2.0 SR1 - November 20, 2012

This release includes the following updates and bug fix:

  • Update: We made some improvements so the toolkit handles concurrency better now.
  • Update: There were some minor updates to the installation program.
  • Fixed: There was a problem when entering proxy server port greater than 600 in Salesforce connection manager. (Thanks to Gina for reporting this issue)

Version 2.0 - September 25, 2012

This is our second major release, which includes some exciting new features, and enhancements:

  • We added "Refresh Salesforce Metadata" button in both Salesforce Source Editor and Salesforce Destination Editor, so that you can refresh Salesforce metadata without having to delete and re-create the component when you have metadata changed at the server side.
  • We added "Data Type" column to both Salesforce Source Editor and Salesforce Destination Editor.
  • We added one new license management feature so that you can move license from one server to another.
  • In Salesforce connection manager, we added support for proxy server.
  • New license model, new license agreement.

Version 1.0 - May 1, 2012

First public release with the following features:

  • Working with the latest Salesforce Web Service API
  • Intuitive user interface to manage connections to your application
  • Support for Salesforce object or SOQL query in Salesforce source component
  • Support for child-to-parent relationship, aggregation functions and datetime functions in SOQL query
  • Support of parameterized object query using SSIS variables
  • Intuitive user interface which makes it easy to choose output fields in Salesforce source component
  • The ability to choose whether to include deleted or archived records in Salesforce source component
  • Support for Create/Update/Delete/Upsert actions in Salesforce destination component
  • Intuitive column mapping interface in Salesforce destination component
  • The ability to enter different batch size for Salesforce source and destination component

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