Version 24.1 - June 12, 2024

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: NetSuite API support has been updated to v2023_2.
  • New: The included Premium Service Lookup component now supports returning multiple matching records (including all). This should be considered a breaking change, the component now works as an asynchronous component when the Max Returned Matches option is set to be greater than 1. Any existing references to the _HasMoreThanOneMatch output column in downstream pipeline components should be updated to use the new _HasMoreThanMaxReturnedMatches column instead.
  • Update: We have introduced a newly designed exception message window for better usability.
  • Enhancement: Some additional DPI display optimizations to various forms.
  • Fixed: NetSuite source component may output a NULL value to custom fields when the custom field is a lookup field.

Version 23.2 - September 7, 2023

  • Enhancement: We have some updates to the License Manager program UI to make it more responsive to changes made to the license installation in the background.
  • Update: We have removed SSIS 2008 (Including SQL Server 2008 R2) support.

Version 23.1.1 - May 19, 2023

This release is mainly a service release, which comes with the following update and fix:

  • Fixed: Netsuite SearchQuery property expression "current_version" namespace doesn't work with saved searches

Version 23.1 - March 17, 2023

This release comes with the following updates - Note that this will be our last version that supports SSIS 2008 (SQL Server 2008):

  • New: NetSuite API support has been updated to v2022_2.
  • New: NetSuite Connection Manager now supports infinite timeout by setting the Timeout value to 0.
  • Update: The auto-update form now displays a warning message about required maintenance for software upgrade.
  • Update: We have removed the dependency on Microsoft.NetEnterpriseServers.ExceptionMessageBox.dll assembly.
  • Fixed: KingswaySoft License Manager might report an incorrect grace period when the license is running under the grace terms.
  • Fixed:  "Run Scripts and Triggers" option in NetSuite Source component may not work properly when option "Retrieve First Page Only" is enabled.

Version 22.1.1 - January 19, 2023

This is a service release which contains the following bug fixes since the v22.1 release:

  • Update: We have removed the "Application ID" property from NetSuite connection manager.
  • Fixed: You may run into a NullReferenceException when discovering custom fields in Customer object's child output addressbookList in NetSuite Source/Destination component.
  • Fixed: The billAddressList child output in Transaction SalesOrder object has no metadata columns available in NetSuite Source/Destination component. For existing components, a refresh of the component using the "Refresh Component" button is required in order to have the metadata corrected.

Version 22.1 - October 25, 2022

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
  • New: NetSuite API support has been updated to v2022_1.
  • New: NetSuite Source/Destination component now show Script ID values in Columns page for custom fields.
  • Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
  • Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
  • Update: Discovered custom fields are now retained in NetSuite Source/Destination component metadata when refreshing the component.
  • Update: Manage Custom Fields dialog is now supported in custom objects in NetSuite Source/Destination component.
  • Fixed: You may run into error "An item with the same key has already been added" when listing objects in NetSuite Source/Destination component if a duplicate is encountered in custom object names.
  • Fixed: You may receive an "Invalid login attempt" error when running multiple NetSuite Source/Destination components in parallel.
  • Fixed: Custom fields discovery may not work properly for child objects in NetSuite Source/Destination component.
  • Fixed: Manage Custom Fields dialog in NetSuite Source component may not retain the length property of those existing string type custom fields.
  • Fixed: Deleting custom object records in NetSuite Destination component may report "That record does not exist" error.

Version 21.2 - November 11, 2021

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We added a new action button in the KingswaySoft License Manager which makes it easy to request a free trial.
  • New: We added limited password attempts feature to Connection Managers that use OAuth token file. When the limit is reached, access_token and refresh_token values will be deleted from the token file, this is to protect the file from unauthorized use.
  • New: NetSuite API support has been updated to v2021_2.
  • New: NetSuite Source and Destination components now update the list of available custom objects after the component metadata is refreshed.
  • Fixed: Saved Search metadata discovery may not work properly in NetSuite component.
  • Fixed: "Run Scripts and Triggers" option in NetSuite Source component may not work properly.

Version 21.1 - May 28, 2021

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We have added a new Premium Service Lookup component which can be used to lookup records through NetSuite connections.
  • New: NetSuite API support has been updated to v2021_1.
  • New: NetSuite Source component now supports filtering on RecodRef type fields.
  • New: User now can manually provide the saved search id and name when the discover saved search call hits NetSuite Web Service "MAX_RCDS_EXCEEDED" limitation.
  • New: We now ship a new console version of KingswaySoft License Manager program which is designed to work more reliably in a container environment.
  • New: KingswaySoft License Manager program now always uses a secure service endpoint for activation and deactivation requests.
  • Enhancement: Better custom fields detection for joined fields in saved search.
  • Update: Request authentication type is deprecated as the request-level authentication is not supported in latest NetSuite web service. 
  • Fixed: NetSuite Source component may not output custom RecordRef field values properly when working with saved search.

Version 20.2 - November 4, 2020

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: KingswaySoft License Manager now includes the ability to show and copy the LicenseId within the program which can be used for renewal purposes without having to reveal the full license key details, for instance, if a third-party reseller or agent is involved.
  • New: KingswaySoft License Manager program now offers a link in the UI to help renew license maintenance or subscription with one single click.
  • New: We have added a new "Run Scripts and Triggers" option in both NetSuite Source and Destination components, which can be used to control SuiteScript and trigger workflows at the web service request level.
  • New: NetSuite Source component now support filtering on multiselect and enum type fields.
  • Fixed: NetSuite Destination component may not work properly with multiselect field.

Version 20.1 - June 5, 2020

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: NetSuite API support has been updated to v2020_1.
  • New: NetSuite Source component now supports a newly introduced "Get Deleted Records" option, which can be used to retrieve NetSuite deleted records.
  • New: NetSuite Source component now supports search filters when working with custom objects.
  • Enhancement: Improved error reporting and error handling when there is a problem with the connection while testing the connection in the NetSuite Connection Manager UI.
  • Enhancement: NetSuite Destination component now supports working with duplicate column names from upstream components as long as the columns are coming from different sources.
  • Enhancement: We have made some minor improvements in our retry implementation on intermittent errors.
  • Update: We have adopted a new versioning strategy in this release. From this point on, all future releases will be versioned as YY.ReleaseWave.ServiceReleaseNumber.BuildNumber, where YY is the year in two digits. This helps simplify our communications with partners and clients in terms of a particular toolkit installation's maintenance status among many other benefits. This is implemented across the board for all of our SSIS toolkits including SSIS Productivity Pack. All our current releases should have the same version number of v20.1.0 with a revision number between 1561 and 1565.
  • Update: We have introduced a new branding panel in our UI forms to distinguish our components from those out-of-box ones.
  • Update: We updated .NET framework requirement to v4.6.1 for SSIS 2012 and above.
  • Update: Our license manager program now requires .NET Framework 4.0 or above.
  • Fixed: You may run into a "System.Exception: Lookup failed for field xxx" error when working with a lookup field in NetSuite Destination component while the input value contains a "<" or ">" character.
  • Fixed: NetSuite Source component may output 0 rows when working with custom object saved search.
  • Fixed: Custom fields detection for custom object saved search may not work properly in NetSuite Source component.
  • Fixed: NetSuite Source component may fail retrieving all the metadata columns when working with Source Objects that have Sub Objects.

Version 4.0 - October 3, 2019

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for NetSuite SOAP file version 2019_1.
  • New: NetSuite Source component now supports retrieving Saved Search without enabling Advanced option, which can be used to get full records result when executing a saved search.
  • New: We added an option called "Override Search Columns" in NetSuite Source component, which can be used to override existing search
    return columns with new search return columns when using saved search with Advanced option enabled.
  • New: NetSuite Source component now supports retrieving a list of all records of the specified type by utilizing NetSuite Web Service getAll Operation. The following objects are added in NetSuite Source componnet: BudgetCategory, CampaignAudience, CampaignCategory, CampaignChannel, CampaignFamily, CampaignOffer, CampaignSearchEngine, CampaignSubscription, CampaignVertical, Currency, LeadSource, State, SupportCaseIssue, SupportCaseOrigin, SupportCasePriority, SupportCaseStatus, SupportCaseType, TaxAcct.
  • New: We added pagination support in NetSuite custom fields auto-detection by specifying page size and number of pages.
  • New: We added Import/Export custom fields ability to NetSuite Source and Destination components.
  • Enhancement: Better custom fields detection for joined fields in Saved Search.
  • Enhancement: Custom fields are retained in NetSuite Source/Destination component when refreshing the component.
  • Enhancement: Improved Azure SSIS-IR licensing to avoid unexpected unsuccessful activations upon restart.
  • Enhancement: There are some updates to the License Manager program that provide better tracking of license installation and easier license management by our client services team.

Version 3.0 - February 21, 2019

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We have added support for SSIS 2019.
  • New: For lookup and dropdown list fields, we now return two fields instead of 1 in previous releases. The two fields include the original label value field, plus one more field ending with "_id" which would return the lookup ID value.
  • New: Custom list fields in advanced searches can now be output as the name or id of the value in Source.
  • New: Advanced search now supports Join fields.
  • New: Custom list fields names can now be used in destination, and IDs will be retrieved with a lookup.
  • Enhancement: Various UI enhancements and performance improvements.
  • Fixed: When using Saved Search in NetSuite source component, lookup fields always return NULL values, even there might be values in the system.
  • Fixed: When using Saved Search in NetSuite source component, dropdown list field always returns NULL values, even there might be values in the system.
  • Deprecation: We removed support for SQL Server 2005.

Version 2.1 - August 17, 2018

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for Token Based authentication in NetSuite connection manager.
  • New: We added support for NetSuite SOAP file version 2018_1.
  • Update: NetSuite components now automatically detect the data center of the specified account to discover the correct URL to access your NetSuite account.
  • Enhancement: We improved the error handling in NetSuite Connection Manager when test connection failed.
  • Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to now report details of distinct connections in use.
  • Fixed: Our software may report a connection metering related error during runtime for some specific system environments.
  • Fixed: NetSuite Source component may not escape the quote and single quote characters properly when saving the search query.
  • Fixed: Secondary error output in NetSuite Destination component may report incorrect failed rows.
  • Fixed: NetSuite Destination component may send "0001-01-01T00:00:00" for input NULL datetime values.

Version 2.0 - March 14, 2018

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: NetSuite Source component now returns internalId values for referenced objects when reading from NetSuite custom objects.
  • New: We added support for Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) deployment and licensing.
  • New: Standard use licensing model, this limits the number of distinct connections to 8 per connection type within a 24 hour period at runtime.
  • Update: We have an updated version of License Agreement that covers the new Azure-SSIS IR licensing model along with many other revisions - the new agreement becomes effective as of today (April 26, 2018).
  • Fixed: You may get error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when passing a null value to the id field for Delete action.
  • Fixed: Some UI bug fixes for NetSuit Destination component.

Version 1.2 - December 14, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: NetSuite Source component now supports detecting custom fields and joined fields in Saved Search.
  • New: We added support of detecting custom fields for child objects.
  • Fixed: NetSuite Destination component did not handle NULL values correctly.
  • Fixed: No records retrieved when reading from custom Saved Search using NetSuite Source component.
  • Fixed: Field internalid was not populated for custom objects in NetSuite components.
  • Update: Update of licensing component to better support servers within a clustered environment to minimize potential false licensing errors.

Version 1.1 - October 6, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added a documentation generation button to all SSIS components that can be used to generate a Word document which describes the component's metadata including relevant mapping, and so on.
  • New: We added support for NetSuite SOAP file version 2017_1.
  • New: We added support for custom fields on child objects.
  • New: Connections to NetSuite are now made with the latest and greatest TLS protocol whenever possible.
  • Enhancement: Performance enhancement when loading a large number of columns at design time in NetSuite Destination component.
  • Fixed: Autodetect Custom Field always read all records instead of reading the specified number of records.
  • Update: Some updates to the licensing component.

Version 1.0 - July 7, 2017

This is our first public final release of SSIS Integration Toolkit for NetSuite software.

  • Three main components
    • NetSuite Connection Manager
    • NetSuite Source Component
    • NetSuite Destination Component
  • Support for SSIS 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008R2, 2008, or 2005
  • Support for the following four actions in NetSuite Destination Component
    • Create
    • Update
    • Upsert
    • Delete

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