Version 24.1 - June 12, 2024

This release comes with the following updates:

  • Update: We have introduced a newly designed exception message window for better usability.
  • Enhancement: Some additional DPI display optimizations to various forms.

Version 23.2 - September 7, 2023

  • Enhancement: We have some updates to the License Manager program UI to make it more responsive to changes made to the license installation in the background.
  • Update: We have removed SSIS 2008 (Including SQL Server 2008 R2) support.

Version 23.1 - March 17, 2023

This release comes with the following updates - Note that this will be our last version that supports SSIS 2008 (SQL Server 2008):

  • Update: The auto-update form now displays a warning message about required maintenance for software upgrade.
  • Update: We have removed the dependency on Microsoft.NetEnterpriseServers.ExceptionMessageBox.dll assembly.
  • Fixed: KingswaySoft License Manager might report an incorrect grace period when the license is running under the grace terms.
  • Fixed: In some rare situations, Marketo source component may report "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when reading from Lead object using Bulk API.

Version 22.1 - October 19, 2022

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
  • Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
  • Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.

Version 21.2 - November 11, 2021

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We added a new action button in the KingswaySoft License Manager which makes it easy to request a free trial.
  • New: We added limited password attempts feature to Connection Managers that use OAuth token file. When the limit is reached, access_token and refresh_token values will be deleted from the token file, this is to protect the file from unauthorized use.
  • New: We have added partial download support when working with Bulk API in Marketo Source component, this makes it possible to work with large and extremely large data set in the source component.
  • Update: We changed the default Polling Throttle Rate setting in the Marketo source component to 1 minute (from previously 5 minutes) when working with Bulk API.
  • Update: We changed the default Download Chunk Size setting in the Marketo source component to 40MB (from previously 4MB) when working with Bulk API, which should make it more efficient.
  • Fixed: Lead Activity Types drop-down box in the Marketo Source component may not load selected options properly.

Version 21.1 - May 28, 2021

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We now ship a new console version of KingswaySoft License Manager program which is designed to work more reliably in a container environment.
  • New: KingswaySoft License Manager program now always uses a secure service endpoint for activation and deactivation requests.
  • Update: Updated Program object metadata.
  • Fixed: You may encounter a "413 Request Entity Too Large" error in the Marketo Destination component when loading a large number of records (>10MB) to Marketo using Bulk API.

Version 20.2 - November 4, 2020

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: KingswaySoft License Manager now includes the ability to show and copy the LicenseId within the program which can be used for renewal purposes without having to reveal the full license key details, for instance, if a third-party reseller or agent is involved.
  • New: KingswaySoft License Manager program now offers a link in the UI to help renew license maintenance or subscription with one single click.
  • New: Marketo Source component now supports working with compound keys when reading from custom objects.
  • Fixed: Marketo Destination component may not escape the input comma and quote values correctly when working with Bulk API.
  • Fixed: "413 Request Entity Too Large" error in the Marketo Destination component when loading a large number of records (>10MB) to Marketo using Bulk API.

Version 20.1 - June 5, 2020

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: Marketo Source component now supports working with Tag.
  • New: Smart Campaign, Smart List and Static List are now supported in Marketo Source and Destination components.
  • New: We added support of Trigger and Schedule actions for Campaign object in the Marketo Destination component.
  • New: Marketo Source/Destination component now also updates the list of custom objects in the Source/Destination Object when refreshing the component.
  • Enhancement: Marketo Destination component now supports working with duplicate column names from upstream components as long as the columns are coming from different sources.
  • Enhancement: We have made some minor improvements in our retry implementation on intermittent errors.
  • Update: We have adopted a new versioning strategy in this release. From this point on, all future releases will be versioned as YY.ReleaseWave.ServiceReleaseNumber.BuildNumber, where YY is the year in two digits. This helps simplify our communications with partners and clients in terms of a particular toolkit installation's maintenance status among many other benefits. This is implemented across the board for all of our SSIS toolkits including SSIS Productivity Pack. All our current releases should have the same version number of v20.1.0 with a revision number between 1561 and 1565.
  • Update: We have introduced a new branding panel in our UI forms to distinguish our components from those out-of-box ones.
  • Update: We updated .NET framework requirement to v4.6.1 for SSIS 2012 and above.
  • Update: Our license manager program now requires .NET Framework 4.0 or above.

Version 5.1 - October 3, 2019

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support to retrieve Marketo leads by filterType and filterValues in Marketo Source component.
  • New: We added support to retrieve Marketo programs by filterType and filterValues in Marketo Source component.
  • Enhancement: We have added the ability to quickly toggle string, numeric and datetime fields to different types.
  • Enhancement: There are some updates to the License Manager program that provide better tracking of license installation and easier license management by our client services team.
  • Enhancement: Improved Azure SSIS-IR licensing to avoid unexpected unsuccessful activations upon restart.
  • Fixed: Reading Marketo programs by tag may work improperly in Marketo Source component.
  • Fixed: Markeo Destination component may output less rows when working with Program and Folder objects.
  • Fixed: Marketo Source component may fail with error "Input string was not in a correct format. Data: ''" when Marketo service return empty string on an integer field.
  • Fixed: You may run into "Can not add Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue to Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject" error when performing Upsert action on LeadListMember object in Marketo Destination component.
  • Fixed: Marketo Destination component may report "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection" error when input data contains duplicate leadids while performing Upsert action to LeadListMember object.

Version 5.0 - February 21, 2019

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We have added support for SSIS 2019.
  • New: We have added support for reading subfolders from the Folder Source Object.
  • Fixed: Your Marketo source component may break when reading DateTime fields that contain both a utc ‘Z’ identifier and a time zone offset of +0000.
  • Fixed: Marketo Source component may fail when bulk reading NULL values.
  • Enhancement: Marketo Source component no longer requires any Lead Activity Types to be specified when Use Bulk is enabled.
  • Enhancement: Various UI enhancements and performance improvements.
  • Deprecation: We removed support for SQL Server 2005.

Version 4.1 - August 17, 2018  

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support of working with Folder in Marketo Source and Destination components.
  • New: Marketo source now outputs activityTypeName along with the activityTypeId when reading from Lead Activities.
  • Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to now report details of distinct connections in use.
  • Fixed: Our software may report a connection metering related error during runtime for some specific system environments.
  • Fixed: You may get error "Generic Parsing: MaxBufferSize exceeded" in Marketo Source component when bulk reading leads.

Version 4.0 - April 26, 2018

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added an option in Marketo Destination component called "Push Lead To Program", which can be used to generate a Push Lead to Marketo activity when upserting a lead. This option is only available for Lead object when Upsert action is used.
  • New: We added support of working with Program in Marketo Destination component.
  • New: We added support for Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) deployment and licensing.
  • New: Standard use licensing model, this limits the number of distinct connections to 8 per connection type within a 24 hour period at runtime.
  • Update: We have an updated version of License Agreement that covers the new Azure-SSIS IR licensing model along with many other revisions - the new agreement becomes effective as of today (April 26, 2018).
  • Fixed: You may get run into "An item with the same key has already been added" error when deleting a large number of leads using Marketo destination component.

Version 3.2 - December 14, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support to retrieve Marketo programs by name/tags/id in Marketo Source component.
  • New: We added support to get Marketo lead activities by leadids and assetids in Marketo Source component.
  • New: We added support for Upsert action for LeadListMember object in Marketo Destination component.
  • New: We added column/field filtering capabilities in Marketo Source component editor window.
  • Fixed: The lead may get added to the specified list when deleting LeadListMember records in Marketo Destination component.
  • Update: Partition Name option in Marketo Destination component now available for all four writing actions.
  • Update: Update of licensing component to better support servers within a clustered environment to minimize potential false licensing errors.

Version 3.1 - October 6, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support to retrieve a list of specific leads by setting ‘MaxConsectivUnusedIds’ = 0.
  • New: We added a documentation generation button to all SSIS components that can be used to generate a Word document which describes the component's metadata including relevant mapping, and so on.
  • New: Connections to Marketo are now made with the latest and greatest TLS protocol whenever possible.
  • Fixed: You may get "Value cannot be null" error when writing to Custom Activity.
  • Fixed: You may run into error "Request Entity Too Large" when writing to Custom Activity with a large batch size.
  • Fixed: When working with LeadListMember object in Marketo Destination component, you may get error "An item with the same key has already been added".
  • Update: Some updates to the licensing component.

Version 3.0 - July 7, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for SQL Server 2017.
  • New: Marketo source component now supports Bulk Export Leads and Activities.
  • New: We added Bulk Import support for Leads and Custom Objects in Marketo destination component.
  • New: We added an expression button in Marketo source component.
  • New: We added an expression button in Marketo destination component.
  • Update: Marketo text type field now outputs in SSIS type of DT_NTEXT.
  • Update: The length of string type field MarketoGUID in Lead Activities is updated to 128 according to Marketo documentation.
  • Enhancement: Some minor GUI improvements.
  • Enhancement: We added command line support for License Manager program
  • Update: We no longer deploy Newtonsoft.Json.dll assembly to Windows GAC.
  • Fixed: If you have an Ultimate trial license, it may still report as not licensed.

Version 2.3 - March 21, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added a new filter parameter called Programid in the Marketo source component which can be used to read Lead records which are members of the designated program.
  • Fixed: You may get error "The Marketo object could not be found" when working with custom objects.

Version 2.2 - March 15, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added a Partition Name option in Marketo destination component, which can be used to specify lead partitions with Upsert action.
  • New: We added a new field called marketoGUID to Lead Activities and Lead Changes objects in Marketo source component.
  • New: We added a new field called marketoGUID to Custom Activities object in Marketo destination component.
  • New: We added a ProxyMode option to Marketo connection manager, which now supports three types of proxy mode: No Proxy, Auto-detect and Manual.
  • Update: We removed the activityTypeId field in Custom Activities in Marketo destination component.
  • Update: We have an updated license agreement.
  • Fixed: You may get "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Net.WebException' to type 'lhd'" (lhd can be a combination of any other random characters) when you provided incorrect login credentials in Marketo connection manager.
  • Fixed: You may run into "Property with the same name already exists on object." error when working with Custom Activities.

Version 2.1 - January 27, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • Enhancement: Less metadata service calls during design and run time for better performance.
  • Enhancement: Improved handling of retry on intermittent errors.
  • Fixed: The Marketo source component was only able to retrieve 20 Program or Email records from Marketo server.

Version 2.0 - October 24, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for Email object in the Marketo source component.
  • New: We added support for Program object in the Marketo source component.
  • New: We added a new Merge action for Marketo destination component, which allows you to merge two Marketo lead records.
  • New: We added support for writing data to Marketo custom activities.
  • Update: The license manager now supports co-termed subscription license.
  • Update: We have lowered the minimum requirement of SQL Server editions when using our software.

Version 1.2 - August 10, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for Lead Changes object in the Marketo source component.
  • New: We added support for Opportunity Role object in the Marketo source component.
  • New: We added support of using custom field as identifier field for Lead object in the Marketo destination component.
  • Fixed: Lead Activities Columns get deleted when "Refresh Component" button is clicked in the source component.
  • Fixed: You may run into "The value is too large to fit in the column data area of the buffer." error when reading a Textarea type field.
  • Update: We upgraded the JSON library (Newtonsoft.Json.dll) to the latest version (v9.0.1)

Version 1.1 - May 5, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support of SinceDateTime filtering parameter for Lead Activities object.
  • Enhancement: Updated support for the latest SQL Server 2016 release candidate builds.
  • Enhancement: Running the 32-bit installation package on a 64-bit operating system is now blocked, as doing so makes our connection manager unrecognizable in 64-bit runtime.
  • Enhancement: We removed the requirement of .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 for SSIS 2012 and later.
  • Fixed: When Update or Upsert an object with DedupeBy identifier field, you may run into "Invalid dedupeBy value" error.

Version 1.0 - January 22, 2016

This is our first public release of SSIS Integration Toolkit for Marketo software.

  • Three main components
    • Marketo Connection Manager
    • Marketo Source Component
    • Marketo Destination Component
  • Support for SSIS 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008R2, 2008, or 2005
  • Support for system and custom objects
  • Support for the following four actions in Marketo Destination Component
    • Create
    • Update
    • Upsert
    • Delete

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