Version 24.1.1 - August 30, 2024

This is a new service release, which comes with the following updates and fixes:

  • Update: HubSpot source component no longer fails the SSIS data flow; instead, it reports a warning message in the SSIS log when reading Recent Deals has reached the API maximum limit of 10,000 records.
  • Update: Site Maps object is removed from HubSpot source component due to the deprecation of CMS Site Maps API from the vendor.
  • Fixed: HubSpot source component may fail with error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' when reading from Deal object using Search API.
  • Fixed: You may get incorrect DateTime values returned from a Premium Service Lookup component when no match is found while working against HubSpot instance if the Premium Service Lookup component was created by version v23.3 or earlier and upgraded to v24.1.

Version 24.1 - June 12, 2024

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We have updated the Owner object to use the v3 API endpoint in HubSpot source component.
  • New: The included Premium Service Lookup component now supports returning multiple matching records (including all). This should be considered a breaking change, the component now works as an asynchronous component when the Max Returned Matches option is set to be greater than 1. Any existing references to the _HasMoreThanOneMatch output column in downstream pipeline components should be updated to use the new _HasMoreThanMaxReturnedMatches column instead.
  • Update: We have introduced a newly designed exception message window for better usability.
  • Enhancement: Some additional DPI display optimizations to various forms.

Version 23.2 - September 7, 2023

  • New: We have added support for Analytics Reports object in the HubSpot source component.
  • New: We have added support for various CRM v3 Engagement objects such as calls, communications, emails, meetings, notes, postal mail, and tasks.
  • New: We have added support for IN, NOT_IN, and BETWEEN operators in Search API. 
  • Enhancement: HubSpot destination component now tries to send separate batch service calls for Create and Delete actions when duplciate Ids are detected in the SSIS pipeline buffer.
  • Enhancement: We have some updates to the License Manager program UI to make it more responsive to changes made to the license installation in the background.
  • Update: We have removed SSIS 2008 (Including SQL Server 2008 R2) support.

Version 23.1.1 - May 19, 2023

This release is mainly a service release, which comes with the following updates and fixes:

  • New: We have added a new API Key authentication option.
  • Updated: Client Secret should be optional when working with a private app for authentication.
  • Fixed: SSDT development environment (Visual Studio) might crash when clicking the destination object dropdown list without a connection manager specified.
  • Fixed: HubSpot source component may return empty values reading property-history in Contact, Company, and Deal object, while there is data in the system.

Version 23.1 - March 17, 2023

This release comes with the following updates - Note that this will be our last version that supports SSIS 2008 (SQL Server 2008):

  • New: HubSpot destination component now supports creating or updating Contact, Company, Deal, Line Item, Product, Ticket, and custom objects with a batch size.
  • New: HubSpot source component now supports retrieving property history when working with Line Item object.
  • Update: HubSpot source component no longer fails the SSIS data flow, but rather it would report a warning message in SSIS log when reading using Search API has reached the maximum 10,000 records API limit.
  • Update: The auto-update form now displays a warning message about required maintenance for software upgrade.
  • Update: We have removed the dependency on Microsoft.NetEnterpriseServers.ExceptionMessageBox.dll assembly.
  • Fixed: KingswaySoft License Manager might report an incorrect grace period when the license is running under the grace terms.
  • Fixed: Output vid value is null when working with Contact Search API in HubSpot source component.

Version 22.1.1 - October 19, 2022

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We have added support for SQL Server 2022 (SSIS 2022).
  • New: HubSpot Source/Destination component now supports working with "CRM Associations v4" object.
  • New: We added an 'excludeFilteredEvents' filter parameter in HubSpot Source component when reading from EmailEvents object.
  • Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to make it more resilient in obtaining new license files or renewals should there be intermittent networking issues. The enhancement mainly applies to unattended license requests or updates using command line via Windows script, it is particularly helpful when you run our software on Azure SSIS IR as it involves license activation requests each time when the instance is started or restarted.
  • Update: The entire program has received some major branding updates in various UI elements.
  • Fixed: "contact.vid" values can be NULL in the "property-history" output when working with Contacts object in HubSpot Source component.

Version 22.1 - May 26, 2022

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: HubSpot Connection Manager now provides a tree view UI that is design to select required scopes before generating an OAuth token.
  • New: HubSpot Destination component now supports working with Timeline Event object.
  • New: HubSpot Source/Destination component now supports working with User object.
  • New: We added "excludeFilteredEvents" parameter support when working with EmailEvents object in HubSpot Source component.

Version 21.2 - November 11, 2021

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We added a new action button in the KingswaySoft License Manager which makes it easy to request a free trial.
  • New: We added limited password attempts feature to Connection Managers that use OAuth token file. When the limit is reached, access_token and refresh_token values will be deleted from the token file, this is to protect the file from unauthorized use.
  • New: We have added CRM Search API support in HubSpot Source component for Company, Contact, Deal, Product, Ticket, Line Item and Custom Objects.
  • New: HubSpot Source/Destination component now supports working with File object.

Version 21.1 - May 28, 2021

This release comes with the following updates:

  • New: We have added a new Premium Service Lookup component which can be used to lookup records through HubSpot connections.
  • New: HubSpot Source/Destination component now supports working with HubSpot custom objects.
  • New: HubSpot Source component now supports reading inactive owners records.
  • New: We now ship a new console version of KingswaySoft License Manager program which is designed to work more reliably in a container environment.
  • New: KingswaySoft License Manager program now always uses a secure service endpoint for activation and deactivation requests.
  • Enhancement: Improved handling of retry on HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
  • Fixed: HubSpot Destination component may fail updating email values when performing Upsert Contact action.

Version 20.2 - November 4, 2020

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: KingswaySoft License Manager now includes the ability to show and copy the LicenseId within the program which can be used for renewal purposes without having to reveal the full license key details, for instance, if a third-party reseller or agent is involved.
  • New: KingswaySoft License Manager program now offers a link in the UI to help renew license maintenance or subscription with one single click.
  • New: HubSpot Destination component now provides an Enumeration Option Mapping feature which can be used to convert incoming values into valid HubSpot enumeration options along with the ability to create such options on-the-fly if no match is found in HubSpot.
  • New: HubSpot Source component now supports Email Subscription Type object.
  • New: Email Subscription Timeline is now supported in both HubSpot Source and Destination components.
  • Enhancement: There are some metadata updates to the Engagement object, in which we have added support for more than a few new columns/fields.

Version 20.1 - June 5, 2020

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We have introduced support for Marketing Email, Marketing Email Statistics in HubSpot Source & Destination components.
  • New: We added a 'since' filter parameter in HubSpot Source component when retrieving recent modified companies.
  • New: HubSpot OAuth scope and optional scope are now configurable in HubSpot Token Generator.
  • New: HubSpot Connection Manager now supports working with a token file saved in Azure Blob Storage by specifying an Azure SAS url as the token file path.
  • Enhancement: We have switched to use token files instead of relying on Windows registry to store and manage authentication tokens for better security and easier deployment.
  • Enhancement: HubSpot Destination component now supports working with duplicate column names from upstream components as long as the columns are coming from different sources.
  • Enhancement: We have made some minor improvements in our retry implementation on intermittent errors.
  • Update: We have adopted a new versioning strategy in this release. From this point on, all future releases will be versioned as YY.ReleaseWave.ServiceReleaseNumber.BuildNumber, where YY is the year in two digits. This helps simplify our communications with partners and clients in terms of a particular toolkit installation's maintenance status among many other benefits. This is implemented across the board for all of our SSIS toolkits including SSIS Productivity Pack. All our current releases should have the same version number of v20.1.0 with a revision number between 1561 and 1565.
  • Update: We have introduced a new branding panel in our UI forms to distinguish our components from those out-of-box ones.
  • Update: We updated .NET framework requirement to v4.6.1 for SSIS 2012 and above.
  • Update: Our license manager program now requires .NET Framework 4.0 or above.
  • Fixed: HubSpot Source component may fail with FormatException or DoesNotFitBufferException when executed in optimized mode and not all outputs were attached.
  • Fixed: You may find error "The PrimeOutput method returned success, but did not report an end of the rowset" in SSIS Execution Results when the HubSpot primary output is not attached.

Version 7.1 - November 29, 2019

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: HubSpot Source component now supports retrieving property history when working with Contact, Company and Deal objects.
  • New: We added support for working with Product and Line Item in HubSpot Source and Destination components.
  • New: We added support for reading form submission when reading contacts in a list in HubSpot Source component.
  • New: We added support for using My Own App in HubSpot Connection Manager.
  • New: We added "sales-email-read" scope as an optional scope in the HubSpot OAuth authentication workflow. Due to recent HubSpot API changes, connections created without the "sales-email-read" scope will be restricted to read Email Engagement data, it is highly recommended to re-authorize with the new scope to get new tokens in HubSpot Connection Manager.
  • Update: We now use token files to save HubSpot tokens.

Version 7.0 - October 3, 2019

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for working with Ticket in HubSpot Source and Destination components.
  • New: We added support for working with CRM Association in HubSpot Source and Destination components.
  • New: HubSpot Source component now supports retrieving deal associations when reading deals.
  • New: We added a 'since' filter parameter in HubSpot Source component when retrieving recent created/modified deals, which can be used to only return deals created/modified after the specified timestamp.
  • New: Creating deals in HubSpot Destination component now supports creating deal associations.
  • New: HubSpot Destination component now supports updating contacts with a batch size
  • New: We added associations.contentIds, associations.quoteIds, associations.ticketIds fields to Engagement object in HubSpot Source/Destination component.
  • Enhancement: We added the ability to quickly toggle numeric fields to different types in HubSpot Source component.
  • Enhancement: We improved the performance for mapping\unmapping columns in HubSpot Destination component.
  • Enhancement: There are some updates to the License Manager program that provide better tracking of license installation and easier license management by our client services team.
  • Enhancement: We improved Azure SSIS-IR licensing to avoid unexpected unsuccessful activations upon restart.
  • Fixed: HubSpot Destination component may fail to create contacts when incoming email value is null.

Version 6.0 - February 21, 2019

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We have added support for SSIS 2019.
  • New: We have added support for reading Form Submissions.
  • Enhancement: Various UI enhancements and performance improvements.
  • Enhancement: The HubSpot Destination now supports returning the _HubSpotRecordId for Upsert actions with a Batch Size of 1.
  • Enhancement: We have added support for sending NULL values to HubSpot.
  • Enhancement: We have added the ability to quickly toggle Date and DateTime fields to DT_WSTR.
  • Fixed: The HubSpot source component may hang when reading recently created/modified contacts.
  • Deprecation: We removed support for SQL Server 2005.

Version 5.1 - August 17, 2018

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • Enhancement: We have updated the license manager program to now report details of distinct connections in use.
  • Fixed: Our software may report a connection metering related error during runtime for some specific system environments.

Version 5.0 - April 26, 2018

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for reading Contact's form submission information in HubSpot Source component.
  • New: HubSpot Source component now outputs enumeration label values along with the internal values when reading from Deal, Company and Contact objects.
  • New: We added support of returning lastupdatetime when reading recent Campaigns in HubSpot Source component.
  • New: We added support for Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) deployment and licensing.
  • New: Standard use licensing model, this limits the number of distinct connections to 8 per connection type within a 24 hour period at runtime.
  • Enhancement: We added command line support for HubSpot Token Manager program.
  • Update: We have an updated version of License Agreement that covers the new Azure-SSIS IR licensing model along with many other revisions - the new agreement becomes effective as of today (April 26, 2018).
  • Fixed: Parameterizing sinceDateTime in HubSpot Source component may not work properly.
  • Fixed: You may run into "Unrecognized Guid format" error when reading from Form object.
  • Fixed: You may get error "System.FormatException" when reading from EmailEvent in some unique situations.
  • Fixed: HubSpot Source component might crash if an invalid sinceDateTime is provided.

Version 4.2 - December 14, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for retrieving recently modified Engagement objects in HubSpot Source component.
  • Update: Update of licensing component to better support servers within a clustered environment to minimize potential false licensing errors.

Version 4.1 - October 6, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support of reading recent Created contacts in HubSpot Source component.
  • New: We added a sinceDateTime filter parameter in HubSpot Source component, which can be used to retrieve contacts records relative to a given date when the Recently Created Only or Recently Modified Only option is enabled.
  • New: We added support for reading and writing Associated Deals.
  • New: We added a documentation generation button to all SSIS components that can be used to generate a Word document which describes the component's metadata including relevant mapping, and so on.
  • New: Connections to HubSpot are now made with the latest and greatest TLS protocol whenever possible.
  • Fixed: API Throtting Rate in HubSpot Connection Manager may not work properly for some particular timezones.
  • Fixed: "Auth In App" option in HubSpot Connection Manager does not include all scopes during the authorization.
  • Update: Some updates to the licensing component.

Version 4.0 - July 7, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for SQL Server 2017.
  • New: HubSpot connection manager now support listing existing tokens.
  • New: We added an expression button in HubSpot source components.
  • New: We added an expression button in HubSpot destination components.
  • Fixed: You may get error "Bad Request" when importing token in HubSpot Token Manager.
  • Enhancement: Improved high-DPI support.
  • Enhancement: Some minor GUI improvements.
  • Enhancement: We added command line support for License Manager program.
  • Update: We no longer deploy Newtonsoft.Json.dll assembly to Windows GAC.
  • Fixed: If you have an Ultimate trial license, it may still report as not licensed.

Version 3.0 - March 15, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for OAuth 2.0 authentication in the HubSpot connection manager.
  • New: We added a ProxyMode option to HubSpot connection manager, which now supports three types of proxy mode: No Proxy, Auto-detect and Manual.
  • Update: We updated the service method to get metadata properties of Company, Contact and Deal as the old URLs are deprecated.
  • Update: We have an updated license agreement.
  • Fixed: We fixed the UI display issue under high DPI setting.
  • Fixed: You may get error "Could not determine JSON object type for type Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.BlobColumn." when sending a DT_NTEXT type column to HubSpot destination component.

Version 2.0 - January 27, 2017

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for Engagement object in the HubSpot source component.
  • New: We added support for Engagement object in the HubSpot destination component.
  • New: We added options for receiving all records or recent created/modified records for Company and Deal objects in the HubSpot source component.
  • New: We added options for receiving all Contact records or recent Contacts in the HubSpot source component.
  • Update: HubSpot date type property now outputs in SSIS DT_DATE type.
  • Enhancement: Improved handling of retry on intermittent errors.
  • Enhancement: Updated the metadata for Campaign object.
  • Fixed: For some objects, the HubSpot destination component does not direct the defaut output rows.

Version 1.4 - October 24, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • Fixed: HubSpot components sends duplicate metadata calls when refreshing the components.
  • Fixed: HubSpot destination component might ignore the batch size setting when using "Upsert" action with Contact object.
  • Update: The license manager now supports co-termed subscription license.
  • Update: We have lowered the minimum requirement of SQL Server editions when using our software.

Version 1.3 - August 10, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added support for Campaign object in the HubSpot source component.
  • New: We added support for Email Campaign object in the HubSpot source component.
  • New: We added a new object called Contact Company Association in HubSpot destination component which can be used to associate/dissociate between contacts and companies.
  • New: We added a new filter parameter called listid in the HubSpot source component which can be used to read all Contact records in the specified list.
  • Fixed: HubSpot destination component might emit duplicate rows in its Default Output when using "Upsert" action with Contact object.
  • Update: We upgraded the JSON library (Newtonsoft.Json.dll) to the latest version (v9.0.1)

Version 1.2 - May 5, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We added column/field filtering capabilities in HubSpot source component editor window.
  • Enhancement: Updated support for the latest SQL Server 2016 release candidate builds.
  • Enhancement: Running the 32-bit installation package on a 64-bit operating system is now blocked, as doing so makes our connection manager unrecognizable in 64-bit runtime.
  • Enhancement: We removed the requirement of .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 for SSIS 2012 and later.
  • Fixed: Incorrect data type for HubSpotRecordId column returned by the HubSpot destination component.

Version 1.1 - January 22, 2016

This release comes with the following updates and enhancements:

  • New: We have added support for SQL Server 2016.

Version 1.0 - September 15, 2015

This is our first public release of SSIS Integration Toolkit for HubSpot software.

  • Four main components
    • HubSpot Connection Manager
    • HubSpot Source Component
    • HubSpot Destination Component
    • HubSpot Token Manager
  • Support for SSIS 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008R2, 2008, or 2005
  • Support for the following four actions in HubSpot Destination Component
    • Create
    • Update
    • Upsert
    • Delete

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