
KingswaySoft Integration Gateway works by acting as gateway to receive HTTP messages from webhook interfaces available in your application, and then publishing the message to a message queue in order to facilitate real-time integration. Essentially it works in the following fashion:

  1. The gateway functions as an HTTP listener that receives messages in real time from webhook interfaces available in your application systems.
  2. The gateway would then publish the message instantaneously to a message queue (or file system) in real time.

Once the message has arrived in the message queue, a message queue client software or process (or an SSIS package using our Premium Message Queue Task) would pick up the message and perform real-time integration. In the case you are using our SSIS-based integration tools, you would need to set up a Premium Queue Message task that listens for changes in the queue, and then invoke a data flow task that would actually process the message in near real-time.

The KingswaySoft Integration Gateway mainly consists of the following three components.

  • KingswaySoft Integration Gateway Console - this is mainly the UI that you will be working on when configuring the gateway, including configuring which endpoint the gateway will be listening for incoming webhook messages.
  • KingswaySoft Integration Gateway Service - this is the Windows service component of the program which can be started from the console or from the Windows services application for unattended use.
  • KingswaySoft License Manager program - this is accessible from the Integration Gateway Console within which you can properly license the software. Until the software is fully licensed, you cannot start the service component mentioned above.

The following is a screenshot of the KingswaySoft Integration Gateway console, from where you can accomplish all configurations which dictate how the gateway functions. The application consists of 4 pages that can be used to configure various aspects of the gateway.

KingswaySoft Integration Gateway Console Pages

Installation and Setup

Configure Inbound Webhooks

The Inbound Webhooks configuration page includes 10 pre-installed webhooks as well as a custom webhook to configure additional webhooks of your choice.

Configure Outbound Connections

The Outbound Connections page allows you to add a destination to which the data returned from the webhooks will be sent.

Additional Settings Page

The Additional Settings Page allows you to configure additional settings, such as a proxy server for outbound connections.