CRM Connection Error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: authenticationCredentials.SupportingCredentials

16 May 2013
Daniel Cai

We recently received a couple of reporting of "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: authenticationCredentials.SupportingCredentials" error when connecting to CRM server using SSIS Integration Toolkit.

The problem typically happens to CRM online environment. The issue is that CRM online server's local discovery service (such as doesn't actually work for some reason. We suspect that it has something to do with security, another possibility is that there is no way to discover all CRM organizations from a local discovery service.

This error doesn't only happen to our SSIS toolkit, it could also happen to you if you are using CRM SDK, Plugin Registration Tool or CRM Developer Toolkit to discover CRM organizations. If you ever run into this problem, the solution is actually quite simple. You just have to replace the local discovery service URL with the generic ones when you connect to CRM discovery service.The following is the list of CRM discovery server URLs.

Location Office 365 Discovery Server URL
North America

Once you have corrected the discovery service URL, you should be able to discover your CRM online organizations successfully.

Note that your full discovery service URL is your discovery server + "/XRMServices/2011/Discovery.svc", so it would be if you are based in North America; or for Europe, Middle East and Africa, and so on.

The list of the above URLs is also provided in our Help Manual page, which is also mentioned in CRM SDK document.

Hope this helps. 

